Professionally Trained with Years of Hands on Experience in:
Alternative Lifestyle Education & Enlightenment, LGBTQIA2+ Support, Relationship & Life Coaching, Reiki Master PRactitioner & Teacher, Energy Healing Work Practices, & New Age Education
In a Variety of New England Communities.
Teaching * Training * Event Planning * Class Design * Liaison Negotiations * Venue Management * PersonAl Empowerment & Growth * Life/Relationship Coaching
This Website will be used for Booking:
Alternative Lifestyle Coaching Appointments & Classes
Energy Healing Appointments & Classes

Whether it is your first step or your next steps let me facilitate & Guide you into THE possibilities & opportunities that are your Future life experiences.
Invest in Your: Fulfillment * Outlets * Connections * Growth * Health * Lifestyle * Self Worth.
1:1 Coaching
The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.
New Hampshire Location Only